Tuesday, May 5, 2020

World Water Shortage Best Way to Manage †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The World Water Shortage Best Way To Manage? Answer: Introduction All aspects of human life are made possible with the availability of adequate water on the surface of the earth. Just the same way people breathe in the air, water to sustain the lives of human beings, plants and the rest of the animals on the surface of the earth. Water is essential for good human health and the general well-being of people. Besides, water sustains the ecosystems around the world (Ryder, 2016, pp. 1-2). World economies also hugely depend on the availability of water. Some of the sectors whose success and performance hugely depend on the availability of adequate water include agriculture, inland fisheries, mining, hydroelectricity generation, aquaculture, animal husbandry and processing of goods among others. The majority of the listed sectors require a large amount of water at some stages in the course of their value chain (Ryder, 2016, pp. 1-2). About half of the world taskforce in water-dependent industries such as agriculture, energy, forestry, building and const ruction, fisheries, water transport and water resource dependent industries. Adequate water, proper sanitation, and hygiene services in human residential and work areas promote robust economy because of such condition results into the healthy and productive workforce. It is necessary for every person in the world to have access to safe, reliable, adequate and affordable water supply (Ryder, 2016, p. 4). Water in itself is life, and we cannot do away with it. However, it is fortunate to note that this is not always the case. Several places in the world experience water shortage year in year out. This research paper investigates the possible causes of water shortage around the world and the possible ways in which the situation can be managed so that everyone can benefit from this important natural resource. First, this reports identifies the possible causes of water shortage. It then provides possible solutions to the causes of water shortage (Ryder, 2016, p. 5). Courses of world water shortage Shortage of water arises when there is a scarcity of the resource. There are very many causes of water shortage across the world. Some of these causes are human-made while some come naturally. The causes include: Water pollution Water pollution is a major challenge and frequently results in shortage of water. Water pollution occurs in many forms. Some of the types of water pollution include oil leakage onto water, carcasses, fecal matter and chemicals among many others. Polluted water is unsafe and hence unproductive (Rinkesh, 2009, p. 6). Once water has been polluted, it can no longer be used for any meaningful use. There are very many ways in which water is polluted. Some people pollute water out of ignorance. One of the main sources of water pollution is agriculture during application of fertilizers and other chemicals such as herbicides and pesticides. The chemicals are poisonous and can easily kill. Once people realize that water has been polluted, they tend to keep away from accessing the water (Saddleback Educational Publishing, 2009,p.34). They hence end up experiencing water shortage. Drought A drought refers to a condition in which an area fails to receive adequate rainfall necessary to sustain lives of the people, animals, and plants in a given area. Some parts of the world are located in perpetual drought while some areas experience occasional droughts (Mrinmoy Majumder, 2015,p.45). Droughts are common across the world, and there is nothing that can be done to eliminate them. During droughts, the land and all the water sources dry up. The scarcity of water therefore arises (Rinkesh, 2009, p. 7). Global warming has also resulted into droughts in the recent years. There are areas that never experienced droughts in the past. However, today the areas are in danger of droughts. People who live in the areas experience a lot of problems when it comes to accessing water. Distance Some areas of the world experience water shortage simply because they are located very far away from water sources. Desert areas, for example, dont have places where people can obtain adequate water. The people may be forced to walk several kilometers to access some little water. There is the possibility that wells could be dug in the areas that are located far away from water sources. However, the move has not been successful. The water table is low in some areas and hence cannot be easily reached (Saddleback Educational Publishing, 2009,p.23). It is therefore needless to invest finances in drilling wells and only to realize that the water level is deep underground and hence cannot be reached. Solutions for shortage of water Water is very essential. Its shortage brings about a lot of problems, among them diseases, sanitation issues, hunger, poverty, and unavailability of clean drinking water. It is, therefore, necessary for the causes of water shortage to be solved. Some of the solutions include: Education and legislation It is necessary for the world population to be educated on water usage (Luis Santos Pereira, Ian Cordery, Iacovos Iacovide, 2009,p.19). They need to understand the world around them and the reason why water should be used with a lot of care. People should be educated and sensitized on the activities that lead to water pollution. In most cases, water pollution is caused by human activities which can be controlled. Topics regarding water pollution and control should be integrated in the syllabus so that children learn about them from tender ages (Peter P. Rogers, M. Ramn Llamas, Luis Martinez Co, 2005,p.13). There is also the need for legislations against water pollution to be put in place. There are people who clearly understand how water pollution leads to water shortage. However, the same people still engages in activities that promote water pollution. Some people engage in activities that promote water pollution because they would like to protect their business interest while ignor ing any other thing that arises. In order to tame this kind of activity, legislations must be passed in parliament. People who engages in water pollution would hence be arrested and prosecuted in a court of law should they be found guilty of the offence. They would learn how water shortage can be controlled (Ryder, 2016, p. 32). Water conservation There are advanced technologies that have been put in place across the world to facilitate water conservation (Gleick, 2014, p. 24). Conservation of water ensures that some water would be available for use even during droughts. People within their communities must therefore come up with water conservation measures even if there are technologies. Some people have no access to the technologies. Conservation of water greatly controls water shortage since the conserved water would be used when water finally runs out. Irrigation and farming in general often becomes culprit when there is a water shortage (Peter P. Rogers, M. Ramn Llamas, Luis Martinez Co, 2005,pp.23-25). As a result, it is necessary for people to improve on their farming and irrigation methods. People should move with speed and embrace farming and irrigation methods that encourage economical water usage. Such methods would ensure that substantial amount of water is reserved for use during drought periods. Irrigation techno logy advances should also be directed such that they conserve the available water as much as possible (Gleick, 2014, pp. 30-32). Supporting initiatives that promote provision of clean water to distant locations There are governmental and non-governmental organizations across the world that engage in initiatives that promote the availability of clean water to people who are located far away from water sources. The initiatives are aimed at bringing water to areas without water (David Groenfeldt, 2013,p.27). There are areas which are located far away from water sources. The people in such areas experience a huge relief when finally they are people who take the mandate and supply them with the crucial natural resource. People who are financially well-off should consider making donations to the organizations that are involved such initiatives. Donations may be in the form of casual labor, skills, time or even finances. People should be encouraged to provide the kind of support that they can afford as long as the support would go a long way in reducing water shortage in some way (Ryder, 2016, pp. 50-55). In addition, the people who are located in the areas which are distance away from water sourc es should consider recycling water. Recycling of water comes with other additional benefits other than control of water shortage. For example, it saves people money which would have been used to pay for more water. There are technologies that facilitate recycling of water at domestic level. Conclusion The research report has shown that there are many causes of water shortage in the world today. However, it has been established that there are several things that people should consider whenever they are discussing water shortage. There are natural causes of water scarcity but most of the causes are human-made and hence can easily be controlled. People should use water economically. Where possible, water should be recycled so that the real water can be used for other purposes. Finally, everyone in his or her capacity should make an effort in ensuring that people who stay in areas where there is no water have access to water since water is life. References list David Groenfeldt. (2013). Water Ethics: A Values Approach to Solving the Water Crisis. Routledge. Gleick, P. H. (2014). The World's Water Volume 8: The Biennial Report on Freshwater Resources. New York: Island Press. Luis Santos Pereira, Ian Cordery, Iacovos Iacovide. (2009). Coping with Water Scarcity: Addressing the Challenges. Springer Science Business Media. Mrinmoy Majumder. (2015). Impact of Urbanization on Water Shortage in Face of Climatic Aberrations. Springer. Peter P. Rogers, M. Ramn Llamas, Luis Martinez Co. (2005). Water Crisis: Myth or Reality? CRC Pres. Rinkesh. (2009). What is water scarcity. Retrieved from https://www.conserve-energy-future.com/causes-effects-solutions-of-water-scarcity.php. Conserve Energy Future. Ryder, G. (2016). The United Nations World Water Development Report 2016. New York: United Nations. Saddleback Educational Publishing. (2009). Global Warming Reading Level 6. Saddleback Educational Publ.

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