Wednesday, May 6, 2020

World War Two And Its Effect On The World - 1485 Words

World War Two World War Two began in 1939 and it when for six year, World War Two lasted until both the Germans and the Japanese had surrendered in 1945, which was six years after it began. It began in September 1939 when Britain and France declared war on Germany after Germany had invaded Poland. January 1933 Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany and he immediately he secretly built up Germany s army and weapons. In 1934 he made the size of the army bigger and he began to build warships and he created a German air force. Britain and France were aware of Germany preparing for war but they were concerned about the rise of Communism and they thought that if Germany was stronger, it might prevent the spread of Communism. In 1936 German troops entered Rhineland, they weren t very strong at this point and they couldn t of been defeated easily by France or England but neither of them were prepared for war. Germany s next step was to take back the land that was originally theirs and in March 1938 Ge rman troops moved into Austria, the Austrian leader was forced to hold a vote to see if Austria wanted to be apart of Germany. The voting results shows that were fixed and 99% of people wanted to be in union with Germany. Austria looked for help from France and Britain and hitter promised that it was the last of Germany spreading because he didn t want war. Hitler lied and in March 1939 invaded Czechoslovakia. Despite the Czechoslovakian government asking for help eitherShow MoreRelatedThe Effects of World War Two Essay1124 Words   |  5 PagesThe Effects of World War Two WWII was one of the wars that had the most devastating effects on peoples live in Europe. During five years citizens of the different countries suffered from this brutal war to which they were condemned by their government. Two of the most affected home fronts during this war, were Britain, and Germany. 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