Saturday, May 16, 2020

Lack Of Writing And Computer Skills - 1850 Words

Lack of writing and computer skills in the BCP department can have a significant impact on the organization. Vital information can be missed or left out of correspondences to organization cohorts, subcontractors and funders; and simple computer tasks can take more time than expected, resulting in poor productivity, delay in services and missed funding opportunities (as a result of missing deadlines). Additionally, such a lack of skill can be extremely time-consuming for direct supervisors having to take on the task of proof-reading every correspondence that goes out and teach basic computer skills in addition to training the new hires on the various computer systems employees are expected to use. Another issue is the interview process.†¦show more content†¦Solutions The HRM challenges that MMCC is experiencing in its BCP department can be resolved with proper strategic planning. Pynes agrees that adopting a strategic planning approach that considers short-term needs and long-term objectives in an organization, will give the organization the ability to better match their human resource requirements with the demands of the external environment and the needs of the organization (2013). The objective, on the recruitment end, would be to become more transparent making potential hires more aware of the expectations of the job and the details of the tasks. Once hired, the new employees will need to be properly trained, within a specific amount of time, on the tasks required of them, as well as the various computer-based systems the BCP office uses. To accomplish the goal of transparency, the hiring team can create and share what can be called a â€Å"cheat-sheet†. The â€Å"cheat-sheet† should include a brief break-down of how an employee in the BCPShow MoreRelated Advancement in Technology: How it has Lead to a Decrease in Writing Skills1647 Words   |  7 PagesAdvancement in Technology: How it has Lead to a Decrease in Writing Skills It’s the 21st century, and technology is rapidly moving more into peoples everyday lives, especially as the interest in computers grow. The advancement with computers alone has increased drastically, faster than some would have ever imagined. For the most part, this advancement in computer technology has skyrocketed businesses and eased our lives as a whole in society. However, technology doesn’t always haveRead MoreThe Value Of Computer Assisted Language Learning1672 Words   |  7 Pagestechnology revolution has widely affected every domain in human life in the last decades. Hence, using the computer has become an important tool in the teaching and learning process. 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