Sunday, December 29, 2019

Persuasive Essay On Abortion - 794 Words

In 1973 the supreme court case Roe vs. Wade made abortion legal. Abortion is one of the safest surgical procedures for women in the United States, with less than one percent of women having complications post procedure. People claim that abortions are inhumane and unethical but so is putting a fetus’s life that hasn’t been born yet before the mother. Although a lot of people are against abortion and claim it’s unconstitutional, the abortion bill is necessary for mothers because of irreversible birth defects, emotional wellness, and traumatic incidents. Birth defects are without a doubt one of the toughest things to live with. They can cause thousands of dollars of debt with medical bills, stress, and overall a rough life for not only the†¦show more content†¦Women should be able to make the decision and have that be all but to be told no and be told she has to go through unnecessary steps to be able to is crazy. A Texas woman was experiencing complications with her fetus so she decided to stop her pregnancy only to find out she had to go through unnecessary steps that just caused her more pain and suffering. â€Å"I found a statement about women who may opt out of the new sonogram edict. It seemed that minors, victims of rape or incest, and cases in which the baby has an irreversible abnormality might be spared the extra anguish.† (Jones) The women told the clinic and she was just blown off because the nurse made and mistake and in a lot of society’s opinion that is very wrong. In Africa, there are 29 aborti ons per 1,000 women, and 32 per 1,000 in Latin America (Singer). Women of poverty feel as if the only way is through abortion because they aren’t mentally or financially stable enough to afford to care for a child. A mother’s mental health shouldn’t be put after a fetus that isn’t even born just because of one’s religious belief. However, with not being able to provide for a baby is the number one reason for abortions the second highest reason is rape. Society justifies rape culture by saying â€Å"she asked for it† (Carmon). Reasons behind victim blaming is that the victim was dressed inappropriately or society justifiesShow MoreRelatedPersuasive Essay About Abortion993 Words   |  4 Pagesin two peoples perspectives. The story consisted of a daughter (Deb) and mother’s perspective after the death of her father. The purpose of this layout is to show how they are both grieving in individual ways. Writing for the persuasive was presented as an essay on why abortion should be accessible in every country, and to also outline the shame women receive. Purpose Purpose for writing publication- Purpose for writing a real-estate article was to inform a potential buyer on the house showed. AlsoRead MoreAbortion Persuasive Essay1119 Words   |  5 Pages To begin with, there has always been an extensive issue with the topic of abortion, why? Well, it’s a tough subject and can get extremely emotional and very defensive. Honestly, people just need to open up their eye’s and understand that its murder and not just a choice. It is murder because two can create a blessing and the choice of aborting it, is more like a sacrifice for the reason a mother can’t carry a baby for nine months. Whether a person is a minor, young adult, or an adult and is inRead MoreAbortion Persuasive Essay755 Words   |  4 Pagesinstead these babies are torn limb by limb, burned, and many other tortuous methods to end the precious life. Abortion is murder and is not only very cruel to the unborn baby but it also harms the mother. Pro-choice is an escape from the harsh reality that a baby is being murdered, and in my eyes a life should only be terminated if God himself is ready to call them home. One reason why abortion is wrong is because they are many other safe solutions that would give the child a chance at life. AdoptionRead MorePersuasive Essay On Abortion917 Words   |  4 PagesAbortions in Texas consist of ending a pregnancy of an unborn child before it can live out of the mother womb. However if the pregnancy ends not on purpose before the twenty four week mark then technically it would be considered a miscarriage. Though inducing the abortion on purpose has caused a lot of controversy over the past century. Deliberately putting people on one of two sides of this issues, of either being for it, which would be considered Pro Choice. Or in the other category of the ProRead MorePersuasive Essay On Abortion1635 Words   |  7 Pagessolve this issue the option of abortion was brought to the forefront by scientists and advocates such as Dan Savage who mentioned that abortion should be mandatory for the next 30 years in or to control the population. (Ertlet) For countri es such as the U.S. with a growth rate being 1.6%, the proposal of widespread abortion is highly recommended as mentioned by obstetricians and gynecologists. (MumfordKessel) Who now leaves the question as to if the option of abortion should be used as a means ofRead MorePersuasive Essay On Abortion1228 Words   |  5 Pagesmillion pregnancies each year in the United States, 1.6 million end up in abortion† (Hern). Because of the numerous traumatic psychological, physical, and overall irresponsible behavior or actions constantly encouraged due to abortion, it should be banned, and forever illegal. Killing one’s own fetus has been linked to psychological distress which has been channeled into many different cases of substance abuse. â€Å"Induced abortion has been linked to increased rates of substance abuse, especially amongRead MoreAbortion Persuasive Essay804 Words   |  4 Pagesfamily with someone. Often times accidents happen in which people didn’t plan for, and can lead to many financial problems or neglect of one’s child because the parents weren’t prepared to be parents. This is why there should be the option of abortion. Abortion needs to be an option for everyone because it helps from long lasting mental states, infection, economical problems, and or having conceived from a non consensual circumstance. Pregnancy is a hard and unforgiving to the woman’s body. In factRead MorePersuasive Essay On Abortion954 Words   |  4 Pagesand nations who destroy life by abortion and euthanasia are the poorest. I do not say legal or illegal, but I think that no human hand should be raised to kill life, since life is God’s life in us, even in an unborn child.† Do you know what abortion really is? Abortion is the ending of pregnancy by removing a fetus or embryo before it can survive outside the uterus. Abortion seems to be more common in today’s society. Numerous amounts of individuals support abortion, and do not realize how it affectsRead MoreAbortion Persuasive Essay736 Words   |  3 Pagesfavor of abortion rights. The decision was 7-2, it stated that it showed a â€Å"right of privacy.†Abortions have been performed for thousands of years all around the world, even though many women died from it. Women nowadays have a choice of whether they want to get an abortion. Abortions do come with risk, one of them being death, but women should still have a right and say what they want to do with pregnancy and not be judged by others for doing so. Today the debate across the world is if abortion shouldRead MorePersuasive Essay On Abortion1321 Words   |  6 Pagessomeone who may be suicidal or who is suicidal himself/herself. As for taking away fetus’ lives, the damage that abortion makes on life can be proven with the statistics. According to Casey, â€Å"over the past 44 years, one-sixth (60,000,000) of the American population has been killed by elective abortion. Twenty-five percent of African-Americans are killed in the womb America,† (Should Abortion Be Legal n.p.). The figure 60,000,000 is a depressing number considering that these children could have been future

Saturday, December 21, 2019

What Is Health Psychology - 2150 Words

What is Health Psychology? Have you ever been melancholic about a recent situation in your life, and wonder why you began to develop symptoms of physical illness? This occurs because there is a strong link between our thoughts, personality, and behavior and our way of coping with illness. The way we control our emotions directly impacts our health for the better or for the worse. In this essay, we will discuss about the different mental factors that relate to health and how they can contribute to the development of diseases. Health Psychology has been important in the field of medicine since the 1980s, when behavioral medicine became an essential piece to the wellbeing of individuals (Baum Posluszny, 1999). In the medical area, psychology became an important piece in the contribution of the well-being of humans. Health Psychology centers in the biological, psychological, environmental, cultural, and cultural aspects, and how they affect physical health. Health psychology also views the psychological factors such as anxiety levels, personality, lifestyle or behavior, culture, support system, motivation and family relationship. (MacDonald, 2013) How do psychological factors influence immunity and disease? Holistic medicine is looking at the person as a whole, which is his body, mind, emotions and spirit (American Holistic Medical Association, 2014). When it comes to human health, holistic medicine should be employed in order to improve the health of aShow MoreRelatedThe Health Of Health Psychology999 Words   |  4 PagesHealth Psychology Introduction Health psychologists range from a wide area of careers and fields. They focus on how health and illnesses are effected by factors such as psychology, biology and social factors. Health psychologists also seek to answer, â€Å"how people cope with chronic illness (both their own and others’)† (Lyons, Chamberlain, 2006, p. 6). Health psychologists research on different ways to â€Å"overcome illnesses more quickly, and how to change people’s attitude† on health problems suchRead MoreTaking a Look at Health Psychology907 Words   |  4 Pagesconventional separation of body and mind determined by a Dualistic model of health and illness, with an increasing focus on an interaction between the mind and the body. This shift in perspective is demonstrated of a holistic or a whole-person approach to health. Therefore, Health psychology maintains that the mind and body interact. Moreover, Health psychology is the study of psychological and behavioural processes of health, illness, and healthcare. It is apprehensive with the consideration of howRead MorePsychologys Influence on Nursing Essay1149 Words   |  5 PagesAs defined by Mason and Whitehead, psychology is a branch of biological science which focuses on the study of conscious life in its origin (66). 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Advice Regarding Refusal of Visa

Question: Discuss about the Advice Regarding Refusal of Visa Under Section 501(1) of the Migration Act 1958: Answer: It is necessary that every person must satisfy the character requirement stated in Section 501 of the act, who wants to make enter or stay in Australia, and it also includes peoples who are not the citizens of Australia, sponsors related to visa applicants, and family members who are non-migrating and wants to enter or stay in Australia. It is really a privilege for every citizen to stay in Australia, and it is expected that these people who applied for visa are law abiding, and it is also necessary that visa holders also satisfied the character test stated in Act. No matter person applied for which visa, it is necessary that any criminal convictions must be disclosed by person if he have inside or outside Australia. As per requirement of character test applicant must submit the police certificates as part of assessment. In case person does not inform about such things then there are chances of refusal or cancellation of visa. Department of immigration and minister have a power of refusal and cancellation of visa on the ground of character test, and minister also have power to grant the visa in case person does not pass character test. Decision is completely based on discretion of minister and department, and it is made after considering all the circumstances of the case[1]. Section 501 of the Migration Act 1958 states that minister has power to refuse the visa application of the person if such person satisfies the minister that he is not able to pass the character test. It must be noted that character test is stated in Subsection 6 of the section 501 of the Migration Act. Power is imposed under minister related to refusal of the visa application of person or cancellation of the visa granted to the person if minister reasonably suspect that character test does not satisfied by the person or as per minister refusal or cancellation is in the national interest[2]. It must be noted that if person serving the full time custodial sentence or he or she have ever been sentenced to 12 months or more imprisonment, regardless of actual time served or person have been convicted of, had any charge proven for or he has been found guilty for any sexual based crime which involves child then in such cases visa must be cancelled. Department provide 28 days for the purpose of requesting the revocation of decision of cancellation of visa. In case of request received for revocation in mandatory cancellation visa, department consider all the circumstances. Section 501(6) of the Migration Act stated the character test for the purpose of visa application approval. As per this section a person will not pass character test if such person[3]: Have a substantial criminal record or he have been convicted for escaping from immigration detention or such person is convicted for any offence which he or she have been committed during the immigration detention, during the escape of immigration detention, after the escape of immigration detention but before he have been again taken into immigration detention. Person is the member of any group or organization, and he has been associated with any such group or person that minister suspected involves in criminal conduct. Person does not satisfied character test if minister suspect on reasonable grounds that person is involved in smuggling, human trafficking, genocide, a war crime, any crime which is against the humanity, any crime related to torture or slavery, and any crime which is subject to international concern at serious level, whether or not such person has been convicted for such crime. If any past or present conduct of person shows that person is not of good character, and if there is any risk which state that if such person is in Australia then he will engage in criminal conduct or harass, molest, intimidate and stalk any other person or vilify any segment of Australian community or incite or discord the Australian community or cause danger to Australian community. Person have been convicted or found guilty for any crime which involve sexual offences related to a child. Adverse security assessment is conducted against the person by the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation, or Interpol issued any notice to the person, which state that person is directly or indirectly cause danger to Australian community or any part of Australian community[4]. For the purpose of this section substantial criminal record of the person is clearly depends on the sentence time period imposed by Court of Law, and not that time which person spend in prison. For the sake of character test a person is considered to have substantial criminal record if Court of law issue sentenced to death or life imprisonment, person is sentenced to time period of 12 months or more, person sentenced to imprisonment for two or more terms, even those terms are served on concurrent basis and when total of such terms are 12 months or more, and if Court found that person is not fit for plead related to offence and as a result have been obtained in facility or institution[5]. In the present case, Emily received notice from immigration department which state the intention to refusal of the application made by Emily under Section 501(1) of the Migration Act. As per the requirement of the Act and part of the application, Emily submit the Malaysian police clearance and such clearance shows that Emily is convicted for the offence of shoplifting a handbag in Kuala Lumpur almost 9 years ago, and that bag was cost for Malaysian Ringgit 3,000 (AUD1,000 approx), and because of this offence she received a custodial sentence of 13 months. Therefore, Emily fails the character test because she has substantial criminal record, and minister has power to refuse the visa application of Emily. Consequences of Visa application: in case visa of person is cancelled by minister and department then person will become the unlawful citizen of Australia and be held in immigration detention. If visa application of person is refused or cancelled under section 501 of the act then such person is subject to permanent ban from applying for another visa while his stay in Australia and department also cancel any other visa they hold, and permanently exclude the person from Australia. Some additional consequences are also which are related to visa cancellation such as in case of cancellation of visa of long term permanent residents may be transferred to the country where they have hardly ever lived or never lived, and in country where they have never speak the language or have few or no family connections. Such residents also face separation from their families, friends in Australia. While taking their decision for cancel the visa, DIAC does not consider the time period of stay of person lived in Australia as primary consideration, but some other consideration are taken into account such as age of holder of visa or impact of visa cancellation on family members of the person, and department also consider the age of person he arrived in Australia, but department does not consider time period for which person stayed in Australia at all. As per the commonwealth ombudsman use of section 501 for the purpose of cancelling the visa of long term permanent residents go beyond the original intention of section 501. Therefore, use of section 501 for the purpose of cancel the long term permanent residence visa was not sated in any explanatory memorandum or provision of the Act[6]. Whether it is possible to review the decision made under section 501: Decision for cancelling the visa can be reviewed but it is completely depend on who made the decision such as whether decision made by the minister itself or by the DIAC as the delegate of minister. If decision is made by the DIAC then Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) has power to review the decision but if decision is made by the minister personally then AAT does not have power to review the decision. There is one exception which state then Federal Court and High Court has power to review the decision made by minister personally related to cancellation of visa under section 501. However, private clause applied on decision made by minister, and as per this clause Court can only review the decision made by minister if decision of minister includes error of law. In other words, Court has no power to review the decision of minister on the basis of any errors in the facts of the case[7]. As stated above, as per section 501 of the Migration Act 1958 power is imposed to minister related to some particular circumstances for the purpose of making an initial decision to refuse the application or cancel the visa, or to set aside the decision made by DIAC officer or the AAT for not exercising the power of refusal or cancellation of visa of person and overule the decision with his own decision by refusing or canceling the visa of the person, and minister also set aside the decision made by DIAC officer to refuse or cancel the visa and substitute that decision with his or her own cancellation or refusal. It must be noted that while making these decisions minister is not bound by direction 55 and person cannot apply to AAT for merits review of any decision made by minister. In other words, person can only challenge the legality of decision made by the minister as explained above. There are some situations in which act state that rule of natural justice does not applied to the decision made by the minister for the purpose of limiting the potential for review. After considering the serious interference in the personal right of the consumer because of the refusal or cancellation of visa on the basis of character grounds, it was stated that power imposed in minister for cancelling or refusing the visa on character grounds are very broad in nature, and therefore it is necessary to subject the decision made by minister to limited review[8]. There is one more option available to person that is Discretionary powers and Ministerial Direction 65, and in this in case person is not able to pass the character test then minister or delegate of minister has power to decide whether or not refuse or cancel the visa of the person. While making the decision authorities consider number of factors which also includes the protection of Australian community, and authority also consider the impact of refusal or cancellation decision on minor children stayed in Australia, and also impact on business interest, and also impact on Australian community if visa is cancelled. This discretion is stated by Ministerial Direction 65 made under section 499 of the Act[9][10]. In the present case, decision made in case of Emily can be reviewed under direction 65 after Considering the health of Child and business conducted by Emily in Australia. References: AHRC, Background paper: Human rights issues raised by visa refusal or cancellation under section 501 of the Migration Act,, Accessed on 10th April 2017. DIBP, Direction 65,, Accessed on 10th April 2017. DIBP, Fact Sheet - The Character Requirement,, Accessed on 10th April 2017. Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, note 58, paras 104-107. Legal service commission of Australia, Visa cancellations under section 501 (character grounds),, Accessed on 10th April 2017. Migration Act 1958- Sect 499. Migration Act 1958- Sect 501(6). Migration Act 1958- Sect 501. Refworld, Background Paper: Immigration detention and visa cancellation under section 501 of the Migration Act, (2009), Accessed on 10th April 2017. The Australian institute, The Dangers of Character Tests,, Accessed on 10th April 2017. DIBP, Fact Sheet - The Character Requirement,, Accessed on 10th April 2017. Migration Act 1958- Sect 501. Migration Act 1958- Sect 501(6). Legal service commission of Australia, Visa cancellations under section 501 (character grounds),, Accessed on 10th April 2017. The Australian institute, The Dangers of Character Tests,, Accessed on 10th April 2017. AHRC, Background paper: Human rights issues raised by visa refusal or cancellation under section 501 of the Migration Act,, Accessed on 10th April 2017. Refworld, Background Paper: Immigration detention and visa cancellation under section 501 of the Migration Act, (2009), Accessed on 10th April 2017. Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, note 58, paras 104-107. DIBP, Direction 65,, Accessed on 10th April 2017. Migration Act 1958- Sect 499.